Today is the Winter Solstice (9:21am), the start of true summer. I took a walk to Whore’s pond, close to my parents’ house, where in the 16th century irritating women were dunked using some sort of contraption with wheels, ropes and parallel shafts, so that the crowd could get the woman wet without getting damp themselves. Crows flew around the electricity pylons, a pied wagtail perched in a hedgerow, a single magpie sat in a dewy field and a few primroses were already out.
2024 was an exciting year: a certain spiritual deadlock seems to have been broken, and people are talking without fear. I’m very grateful to be alive, to have faith, to experience love, trust, loyalty and know so many courageous and interesting people.
This year I spoke to a lot of people, in person and online. Some of the online discussions this year were with Jenny Holland, old friends Daniel Miller & Justin Murphy on Plato, Benjamin Boyce, Walt Bismark, Millenniyule, Bungacast, and many others.
The Lack, with Benjamin Studebaker, went from strength to strength, and we recorded a live session in London with Helen back in December (out soon). I taught a very interesting course on Nature at the Mary Ward Centre, and recorded several sessions with
, with whom I’ll be working with more in 2025.I’m writing regularly for The Spectator, The Telegraph, The Critic and for Aayan Hirsi Ali’s new Courage Media platform. I’ve a forthcoming article on Iconoclasm in the new print issue of the European Conservative. I’ll be writing longer pieces here, as well as the bird &c. poems, and working on a couple of book projects. I’ll also be co-hosting a monthly contemporary independent/experimental literature podcast with Doug Lain and various authors.
One of the best things about this year was Verdurin, an art/discussion space run by Pierre D’Alancaisez & friends. I taught a four week course on Iconoclasm there in the summer (videos available here!), and I’ll be teaching a new course in April (details TBA). Please check out the many forthcoming events at Verdurin here, including a paranoia symposium. If you’re around London, come along. A cure for alienation.
Thank you to everyone who subscribes here: life is exciting and beautiful!