if nothing’s a secret
then everything is
clouds from above
war is god
the woman who protected the codex
body is a weapon is a shield
beauty or blood
the world is split
that’s alive that moves that grows that’s force that’s alive that’s alive
that never died it never moved it was moved it was made
“There is a wise Christian legend about a hermit who for a long time overcame the devil in all his forms and all the temptations that issued forth from him, until finally the enemy knocked at the door of his isolated retreat in the form of a wounded, suffering raven, and at that moment a blind, sentimental compassion triumphed in the soul of the hermit: the raven was admitted, and the monk was given over to the power of the devil.” - Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin, On Resistance to Evil by Force (1925)
I am safe now
I should have been braver
are you shivering
another day, another Salò
if you must, do nothing
if you must do nothing, do it beautifully